Basics Of ECG-EKG: Interpretation of Electrocardigraph

Simplest Basics of ECG/EKG- Electrocardiography

Basics Of ECG-EKG: Interpretation of Electrocardigraph
Basics Of ECG-EKG

Let's cut out the ECG basics into:
  1. The ECG “PQRST” wave
  2. Leads used in ECG
  3. Rate of ECG
  4. Rhythm of ECG
  5. Axis of ECG

The ECG “PQRST” wave

Following is a normal typical wave seen on ECG. But what does it mean in relation to heart? Let’s find out.

Leads used in ECG

There are 12 leads used in ECG. We are not going in details of them, rather name them out as follows:

Rate of ECG

There are small boxes and big boxes on ECG. 1 big box = 5 small boxes.

1 small box=1mm=0.4 sec, 1 big box=5mm=2 sec

So, the rate of ECG is calculated as:

Rate = 1500 / Number of small boxes between R-R interval


Rate = 300 / Number of big boxes between R-R interval

Rhythm of ECG

To find out the rhythm, simply place a ruler between R-R interval. Note the gap and place the same on consecutive waves. If the gap is same in all waves, it is regular, otherwise, it is irregular.

Axis of ECG

Defining Axis on ECG can be difficult to others, but it’s simple if you have read it once.

Remember this in short for quick recalling:
Lead I- 0
Lead aVF- 90

We have to observe QRS complex in these leads and check whether the deflection is positive or negative. Therefore, axis can be given as:

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