Atticoantral Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

Atticoantral Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

Atticoantral Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
Atticoantral Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

So far, we have discussed Chronic suppurative Otitis Media in general and its one type- Tubotympanic CSOM. In this section, we will be dealing with its second type, i.e, Atticoantral CSOM. Atticoantral is unsafe type of CSOM with several complications. Lets head to it and explain it.

Aetiology of Atticoantral CSOM

The causes of of Atticoantral CSOM are quite indifferent than Cholesteatoma which has following theories:

Some points can be understood by the following images:

Congenital CSOM

Congenital CSOM
Congenital CSOM
Congenital CSOM
Note the white pearly mass behind intact tympanic membrane

Retraction pockets/Primary acquired

Retraction pockets/Primary acquired CSOM
Invagination Tympanic membrane

Pathology of Atticoantral CSOM

Cholesteatoma in Atticoantral CSOM
Ossicular necrosis in CSOM
Ossicular necrosis in CSOM

Bacteriology of Atticoantral CSOM

Same as tubotympanic type
  1. Aerobic- Pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus, E.coli, Staph aureus
  2. Anaerobic- Bacteriodes fragilis and anaerobic streptococci

Symptoms of Atticoantral CSOM

Hearing loss in Atticoantral CSOM
Hearing loss in Atticoantral CSOM

Signs of Atticoantral CSOM

Perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Attic perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Attic perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Posterosuperior perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Posterosuperior perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Posterosuperior perforation in Atticoantral CSOM

Posterosuperior perforation in Atticoantral CSOM
Pearly white cholesteatoma in Atticoantral CSOM
Pearly white cholesteatoma in Atticoantral CSOM

Investigations in Atticoantral CSOM

Features indicating complications in CSOM

Features of Complications in CSOM
Features of Complications in CSOM
  1. Pain- Indicates extradural, perisinus or brain abscess or otitis media externa with discharging ear.
  2. Vertigo- Indicates erosion of lateral semicircular canal which may progress to labyrinthitis or meningitidis.
  3. Persistent headache- Intracranial complication
  4. Facial weakness- erosion of facial canal
  5. A listless child refusing to take feeds- extradural abscess
  6. Fever, nausea and vomitting (F+N+V)- intracranial infections
  7. Irritability and neck rigidity- Meningitidis
  8. Diplopia- Gradenigo syndrome,i.e, petrositis
  9. Ataxia- Labyrinthitis or cerebellar abscess
  10. Abscess around ear- Mastoiditis

Treatment of Atticoantral CSOM

This part is confusing to many about where and what is the exact difference between canal up and canal down procedures. We will explain that as we proceed:-


Primary aim is to remove disease and render ear safe while second aim is to preserve or reconstruct hearing but never at cost of primary aim.

There are two types of procedures which are followed in atticoantral csom surgeries:-

Canal wall down procedure
It leaves mastoid cavity open into external auditory canal so that  diseased area is fully exteriorized.

It is named as canal wall down because posterior wall of external auditory canal is  removed during the surgery. This removal of posterior wall makes ear canal and mastoid a single cavity called mastoid bowl. From this cavity, the cholesteatoma is allowed easy passage out of the ear.

Examples include Atticotomy, modified radical mastoidectomy and radical mastoidectomy.
Radical mastoidectomy in Atticoantral CSOM
Radical mastoidectomy- Note open mastoid cavity is formed

Canal wall up procedure
Posterior bony meatal wall is kept intact while disease is removed through meatus and/or mastoid, thus, an open mastoid cavity is avoided. Reconstruction of hearing is easy but risk of leaving behind some cholesteatoma is high and hence, 6 months re-exploration is necessary.

Intact canal wall mastoidectomy > Cortical mastoidectomy + Posterior tympanoplasty

Let's explain this abit deeper. First of all, the canal wall up procedure is to done such that posterior wall is intact, hence, we approach to FACIAL RECESS for this. This can be better explained by following images and do read the captions written just below each image:

Canal wall up procedure in CSOM
Note the position of surgery- The facial recess is reached from posterior side
Canal wall up procedure in CSOM
External ear canal reached through facial nerve and hence leaving posterior wall intact
Canal wall up procedure in CSOM
Cortical mastoidectomy followed by posterior tympanotomy

Difference between canal wall up and canal wall down procedures

The simplest difference is that in canal wall down, the posterior wall is damaged and hence more invasive type whereas in canal wall up, there is minimal invasion. This, in turn, is complicated as in canal wall down, with more invasion, the cholesteatoma is generally removed to full with better prognosis whereas in canal wall up, with less invasion, the cholesteatoma can be left behind, hence a need for 6-month re-exploration is usually required to check cholesteatoma again.

Reconstructive Surgery

Myringoplasty (closure of the perforation of pars tensa of the tympanic membrane) pr tympanoplasty (myringoplasty with ossicular reconstruction) is done.

Conservative treatment

Repeated suction clearance, aural toilet and other measures for mild cholesteatoma cases or in elderly or in a patient refusing for surgery can be tried.

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